
Friday 24 March 2023

Stieffel, Sigmund

STIEFEL, Sigmund. Director of Companies. Born Germany 11th November, 1909, son of Aron and Hilda Stiefel. Educated at Offenbach High School, Germany. Came to South Africa 1936. Director of Weil and Aschheim (Holdings) Ltd., Weil and Aschheim Ltd., Burlington Hosiery Sales (S.A.) Ltd., and Wela Fashions (Pty.) Ltd. Committee member of Hebrew Congregation "Etz Chayim," Johannesburg. Member of Montague Country Club. Married Ilse Sondheimer; one daughter. Recreations: Bowls, swimming. Add.: 101, Savoy, Cavendish Road, Bellevue, P.O. Box 3149, Johannesburg.

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