
Tuesday 11 April 2023

Shrock, Abe Tobie

SHROCK, Rabbi Abe Tobie. B.A. (Hons.), Ph.D., P.C.F. Former Chief Minister, Durban United Hebrew Congregation, Born Cape Town, in 27th May, 1906, son of Barnett and Miriam Shrock. Educated Maritzburg and at London University; Jews' College, London; and London School of Oriental Studies. Was awarded the first South African scholarship for the Jewish Ministry, tenable at Jews' College. Minister of the United Hebrew Congregation, Johannesburg (Yeoville Synagogue) 1930-45, and Acting Head of the Department of Hebrew at the University of the Witwatersrand after the death of Chief Rabbi Professor Dr. J. L. Landau. Rabbi of the Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation, Cape Town, 1945-56; member of the Cape Town Beth Din, 1945-55; is now a member of the Johannesburg Beth Din. Principal Jewish Chaplain to the South African Defence Forces since 1947. Hon, Vice-President, S.A. Mizrachi Organisation, and Chairman of the Durban Mizrachi Organisation. Hon. President, Durban Magen David Adom. Author of "Rabbi Jonah Ben Abraham of Gerona: His Life and Ethical Works" (1948). Married Millie Schachat, 1931; one son, one daughter.

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