
Sunday 2 July 2023

Rabinowitz, Louis Isaac

RABINOWITZ, Rabbi Louis Isaac. M.A., Ph.D. Former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregation of Johannesburg and the Federation of Synagogues of South Africa. Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 24th May, 1906, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Rabinowitz. Educated at University of London and Jews' College, London. Ministered in London to Shepherd's Bush Synagogue (1926- 28); South Hackney Synagogue (1928-32); Cricklewood Synagogue (1932-39). Served as Jewish Chaplain in the British Army during World War II. Called to Johannesburg Chief Rabbinate 1945 and appointed Professor of Hebrew at the Witwatersrand University the same year. Appointed Chief Rabbi of the Federation of Synagogues and Chairman of its Beth Din 1948. Identified himself with all phases of Zionist and educational work. Was Hon. President, S.A. Zionist Federation; Hon. President, S.A. Board of Jewish Education; Hon. Vice-President, Israeli United Appeal; Hon. President, Society for the Welfare of the Jewish Deaf; Founder and Principal of the Training College for Jewish Ministers. Author of: "The Social Life of the Jews of Northern France in the XII to XIV Centuries" (1938); "Soldiers From Judea" (1942); "Herem Hayyishub: A Contribution to the Medieval Economic History of the Jews" (1945); "Jewish Merchant Adventurers: A Study of the Radanites" (1948): "Out of the Depths" (sermons) (1951); "Far East Mission" (1952); "Sparks from the Anvil" (sermons) (1955). Married Tania Amiel, daughter of the late Chief Rabbi Amiel of Tel Aviv, 1927; two daughters, one son. Retired in 1961 to settle in Israel, where he and his family now reside.

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