
Monday 21 August 2023

Kraus, Moshe

KRAUS, Moshe. Cantor. Born in Uzhorod, Czechoslovakia, 15th August, 1923, son of Mayer and Henya Kraus. The son of Chassidic parents, he early manifested his musical talent, and from Barmitzvah conducted services as a Chazan. Educated at Gymnasium in Ozhorod and at Yeshiva in Mukaczevo, Czechoslovakia, he received his musical education under Prof. Wolff of Vienna, and pursued his cantorial studies with the famous Cantor Yehuda Leib Miller. He was Cantor in Budapest when World War II broke out, and together with other Jews he was seized by the Nazis and incarcerated in a concentration camp. After the Liberation, he was appointed Chief Cantor of the Malbim Synagogue, Bucharest. He went to Israel to join the Haganah and served for three years as Chief Cantor of the Israeli Army. Thereafter he accepted a call to become Chief Cantor in Antwerp and subsequently in Brussels. He came to South Africa in 1958, in response to a call from the United Hebrew Congregation to become Cantor of Johannesburg's Oxford Synagogue. He married Rivka Yafah Deutsch in Israel in 1951. Add.: 203, Chartwell, Killarney, Johannesburg.

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