
Monday 25 September 2023

Hochstadter, Walter Ferdinand

HOCHSTADTER, Walter Ferdinand. Director of Companies. Born Johannesburg 30th November, 1922, son of Ludwig and Thea Hochstadter. Educated at King Edward VII School. Managing Director, Brick Corporation of S.A. Ltd., and of Witwatersrand Brick & Tile Co. Ltd.; Director, Anglovaal Brick & Tile Co. Ltd., Boere Industries (Pty.) Ltd., Casseldale Farms (Pty.) Ltd., Homestead Dairies (Pty) Ltd.. Kinross Colliery (Pty.) Ltd, and various other companies. Vice-Chairman, South African Brick Association. Member of Our Parents' Home Governing Committee since 1950, Executive member since 1952, Vice-Chairman 1955-60, Chairman 1960-64, presently Vice-Chairman; appointed Hon. Life Vice-President, 1964. Member of the Transvaal Jewish Welfare Council, 1955-1964; United Communal Fund Committee, 1955-57; Chairman, Committee of Employment of Handicapped, 1954-1958. During World War II served with S.A. Corps of Signals, Cypher Corps, Third S.A. Brigade. Wounded at El Alamein; also served with 6th S.A. Division in Italy. Member, Wanderers Club. Married Denise Beth Lopatie, 1945; one son, two daughters. Recreations: Swimming, fishing, bowls. Add.: 16, Ashwold Road, Saxonwold, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 49, Germiston.

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