
Friday 27 October 2023

Gluckman, Henry

GLUCKMAN, Dr. the Hon. Henry. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London). Hon, LL. D. (Rhodes University 1967) Born 12th July, 1893, son of Joseph and Myra Gluckman. Educated at King Edward VII School, Johannesburg and University of London, Minister of Health and Housing in the South African Government headed by Field Marshal J. C. Smuts, 1945-48. Member of Parliament, 1938-58: Chairman, National Health: Service Commission, 1942-44; Chairman, Central Health Service and Hospitals Co-ordinating Council. 1943-45: Chairman, National Nutrition Council, 1945-48; National President, National War Memorial Health Foundation; Regional Vice-President. World Parliament Association; Executive member. S.A. Institute of International Affairs. Former Chairman, S.A. Friends of the Hebrew University; member of Board of Governors, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Hon. Vice President, S.A. Zionist Federation: Vice-President, S.A. Jewish Ex-Service League, former Executive member, S.A. Jewish Board of Deputies. Chairman, General Smuts War Veterans' Foundation; Patron, Kupugani 1962-65; President, Timber Trade Federation of Southern Africa; Chairman, S.A. Wood Promotion Council; Chairman, Hillman Bros, Ltd. Before entering Parliament, Dr. Gluckman held various high posts in the medical profession. He served in the South African Medical Corps in both World Wars: in World War I. with the rank of Captain, and in World War II with the rank of Colonel. Member of Country Club since 1919, and of various other clubs in South Africa. and abroad. Married Fay Hillman; two sons (Leon Gluckman, the actor and producer; Michael Gluckman, architect. Add.: 604 Glenhoff Gardens, North Avenue, Riviera; P.O. Box 6360, Johannesburg. 

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