
Friday 19 January 2024

Berman, Philip

BERMAN, Philip. Director of Companies. Born London, England, 6th February, 1900, son of Nathan David and Rachel Berman. Arrived in South Africa 1912. Educated at Westminster Jewish Free School, London, and Jewish Government School, Johannesburg. Director, John Leal & Co. (Pty.) Ltd., and Linton Grange (Pty.) Ltd. Former President, Transvaal Clothing Manufacturers' Association; former President, National Council for Clothing Industry; former Chairman, Industrial Council for Clothing Industry and Unemployment Fund Clothing and Textile Industries; member, War Disposals Board. President, United Progressive Jewish Congregation of Johannesburg, 1956-58; President, Southern African Union of Progressive Judaism, 1961-4; Chairman, S.A. Council for Progressive Jewish Education. Executive member, United Communal Fund. Member of Wanderers Club since 1918. Past Master, Zion Lodge of Freemasons, 891, S.C.; District Grand Lodge Officer, Transvaal S.C.; Past District Grand Lodge Officer Royal Arch E.C., Transvaal. Served as Sergeant in National Volunteer Brigade during World War II. Married Rose Ann Kowarsky 10th October, 1935; two sons. Recreation: Bowls. Add.: 21, Empire Road, Parktown, Johannesburg.

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