
Saturday 8 June 2024


South African Jewry 1967-68 Edition. A Survey of the Jewish Community; Its Contributions to South Africa; Directory of Communal Institutions; and a Who's Who of Leading Personalities 2nd edition, was edited by Leon Feldberg and published by Feldhill Publishing Co, Johannesburg, South Africa in 1968.

It provides an invaluable snapshot – forever frozen in time – of South African Jewry and its immense contribution to South African life in the late 1960s.

This website includes 2,425 biographies and several longer articles. Every word in the biographies and articles is searchable through the search box. This is useful if searching for locations, spouses, employment etc. Use the page, label or search box to find the information you are seeking

The longer articles are, to quote from Leon Feldberg’s introduction: “contributions to South African Jewish historiography. Dr. Louis Herrman has written the first comprehensive survey of the role which Jews have played in Medicine in South Africa. Mr. Gustav Saron studies some of the forces which went into the moulding of South African Jewry at the turn of the century. Mr. Edgar Bernstein presents a broad panorama of our Jewish community as it is today, Rabbi Newman extends the picture with a survey of Jewish religious life, and Rabbi Duschinsky with a survey of Jewish life in the small towns of the Platteland. Mr. Eric Rosenthal calls to notice some interesting Jewish associations with the field of Science in South Africa. Mrs. Muriel Rathouse depicts one of Johannesburg's notable Jewish pioneers". They can be accessed Here.

This project is in memory of my father, Lionel Harris Hodes, General Secretary of the South African Zionist Federation from 1969 – 1973, for his communal service and contribution to South African Jewry.

Jeremy Hodes (PhD), New South Wales, Australia
June 2024

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