
Wednesday 19 April 2023

Shames - Hertzel

SHAMES, Hertzel. Manufacturer. Born Zemelia, Lithuania, 15th February, 1902, son of Simon Leib and Bella Shames. Educated in Kremenchuk, Ekaterinoslav, Kovno and Liege (Belgium). Managing Director of Gering & Shames (Pty.) Ltd., Jayson Shirts S.A. (Pty.) Ltd., Pleetway Pyjamas S.A. (Pty.) Ltd. and Wembly Ties. Executive Committee member, Cape Clothing Manufacturers' Association and Industrial Council for the Clothing Industry (Cape). Member, Keurboom, Oranjezicht and Stadium Clubs. Married Janie Tuback, 1932. Recreation: Bowls. Add.: 104, Knightsbridge, Beach Road, Sea Point, P.O. Box 1271, Cape Town.

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