
Monday 26 June 2023

Romm, Moses

ROMM, Rabbi Moses, B.A.. LL.B. (Syracuse University, N.Y.). Juris Doctor (New York University). Born Rakow, Russia, 15th January, 1897, son of Jochanan and Nechamah Romm. Received early education at Yeshivah in Minsk, under the Gadol of Minsk, Rabbi Eliezer Rabinowitz. Went to U.S.A., where he continued his education at the Yeshivat Rabbi Isaac Elchanan, Columbia University, Syracuse University and New York University. Received Smichot from famous Rabbis, including late Chief Rabbi Kook of Israel, Chief Rabbi A. B. Shapiro (Kovno), Rabbi M. M. Epstein (Hebron), Rabbi E. Z. Melzer (Jerusalem). Became Rabbi of congregations in Brooklyn, Syracuse, Minneapolis. Decided to settle in Palestine. but after arrival there was persuaded to accept a call to South Africa as Rabbi of the Bloemfontein Hebrew Congregation. Came to South Africa 1932 and served as spiritual leader of Bloemfontein Jewry for 15 years. During World War II served as Jewish Chaplain, with the rank of Captain. While in Bloemfontein studied Roman-Dutch Law and translated the Hebrew prayerbook into Afrikaans. Edited a bi-monthly journal. "The Ark", for the O.F.S. Jewish community. Now lives in Johannesburg, where he devotes himself to scholarship. Publications: four volumes on Halacha, which are used in Yeshivot in Israel and the Diaspora; Chut Hameshlash (Responsa) two parts; Maor Gadol (Hadranim on each tractate of the Talmud); Bet Haotsar Hagadol; Thesaurus of Responsa on the Talmud, classified and collated according to the folio pages of the Talmud (this work is still in progress, and will run into as many volumes as the Talmud); Sidoer (Afrikaans translation of the daily prayer book): Leerstellings van die Vaders (Afrikaans translation of Ethics of the Fathers); Galut and Redemption (essays and sermons); Die Kandelaar (Afrikaans selection of sermons). Married Helene Tilly Gadd, 1941: three sons, two daughters. Add.: 26 Frances Street. Yeoville, Johannesburg. 

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