
Saturday 15 July 2023

Mauerberger, Theodore (Ted)

MAUERBERGER, Theodore (Ted). Director of Companies. Born Cape Town 6th May, 1911, son of Israel and Rae Mauerberger. Educated at South African College, Cape Town. President, Cape Town Chamber of Commerce, 1958- 59; President, South Africa Wholesale Textile Association, 1954-67; Chairman, Ratepayers' and Residents' Association, Wards 1 and 2, Cape Town, 1963-64; Executive member, Association of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa, 1957-59. Appointed member of the Unemployment Insurance Benefit Committee (Cape), 1953-67; Chairman, Council of the Cape Technical College, 1964-65; Vice-President, Cape Parliamentary Debating Society, 1964; Vice-President, Cape Technical College Cricket and Rugby Clubs, 1963-67. President, Keurboom Sports Club, 1956-58. Married Levia Goodman, 1934; one son, one daughter. Recreation: Bowls. Add.: Bembridge, High Level Road, Green Point, P.O. Box. 959, Cape Town.

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