
Saturday 1 July 2023

Rappaport, Solomon

RAPPAPORT, Rabbi Solomon. Ph.D. Spiritual Leader and Educationist. Born in Lemberg, Galicia, 1905, son of Rabbi Dr. Samuel and Blume Rappaport. Received secular education at high school and University of Vienna, and graduated as a Rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Vienna. Was lecturer in Midrash and Jewish History at the Maimonides College for Jewish Studies, Vienna, and lecturer in Jewish Philosophy at the Jewish "Volkshochschule," Vienna. Came to South Africa 1943. Formerly Rabbi of the North Eastern Hebrew Congregation, Johannesburg. Professor of Hebrew at the University of the Witwatersrand. Hon. Life President of the B'nai B'rith Lodge, Johannesburg. Author of: "Agada und Exegese bei Flavius Josephus"; "Antikes zur Bibel Und Agada"; "Jewish Horizons"; "Fathers and Children"; "Rabbinic Thoughts on Race"; "The Way of Good Men"; Study on Professor J. L. Landau in "The Jews in South Africa" (ed. Saron and Hotz); Joint Editor of Armand Kaminka Jubilee Volume; Editor of "Zafenat Paneach (14th Century Biblical Commentary by Eleazar Ashkenazi). Contributor to "Revue Des Etudes Juives" (Paris); "Journal for the Society for the Study of Religions" (London); "Zeitschrift Fuer Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft" (Germany) and other learned periodicals. Married 1938, wife's name Elisabeth; one daughter. Add.: 28a, Orchards Road, Orchards, Johannesburg.

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