
Friday 25 August 2023

Kossowsky, Michael

KOSSOWSKY, Rabbi Michel. B.A. (Hons.) (Rand), Ph.D. (Cape). Died 1964. Was Rav of the Beth Hamedrash Hagodel, Johannesburg, and a Dayan of the Beth Din. Born Ivie, Poland, 26th March, 1908, son of Rabbi Yitzhak and Feiga Kossowsky. Came to South Africa, 1941. Educated at Yeshivot of Grodno and Mir, Poland, and in South Africa at the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Cape Town, Was Rabbi in Zelba, Poland, 1935-39; Doornfontein Hebrew Congregation, Johannesburg, 1942-49; Beth Hamedrash Hagodel from 1949 until his death. Identified himself with all phases of Zionist, communal and educational work. Was Rosh Yeshiva and played central role in building up the Yeshiva College Beth Yitzhak in Johannesburg, named in memory of his father, who was for many years Rav of the Federation of Synagogues in South Africa. Acting Principal, Hebrew Teachers' Seminary (1950-52); Vice-President, S.A. Zionist Federation; President, S.A. Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi; Vice-President, Israeli United Appeal; National Executive member, S.A Jewish Appeal; Vice-President, S.A. Jewish Ministers' Association (1943-46); Executive member, S.A. Jewish Board of Deputies (1949-55). Married Chiena Garber, 1937; one son, one daughter. Survived by his widow (who now lives in America) and his children.

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