
Friday 4 August 2023

Levinson, Israel

LEVINSON, Lt. Col. Israel. Died 1956. Founder and Principal of Hillel College, Johannesburg, and Principal Jewish Chaplain to the South. African Forces. Born London 18th December. 1875, son of Saul and Rachel Levinson. Educated at Jews' Free School, London, and Jews' College, London. Came to South Africa 1906 as a teacher. In 1908 he became Headmaster of the Hebrew High School, Johannesburg. and from that time onwards devoted himself exclusively to Jewish education. During World War I he served as Jewish Chaplain to the South African Forces with the rank of Captain, and after the war established Hillel College in Johannesburg, which he and his wife conducted as a Jewish Day and Boarding School for 35 years. When World War II broke out, he again enlisted for ministration to the Jewish troops, and was appointed Senior Jewish Chaplain, with Headquarters at Premier Mine. In 1941 he was promoted to Major and in 1942 to Lieutenant-Colonel and Principal Jewish Chaplain, with Headquarters at Voortrekkerhoogte. The end of the war found him at the head of a body of 25 Chaplains, some of them serving full-time up North and others part-time on the home front. He initiated the "Books for Troops" scheme (subsequently taken over by the State Library), and started the first military camp library at Sonderwater. He concluded arrangements with the S.A. Jewish Board of Deputies for Jewish religious requisites and Passover supplies for Jewish troops, and helped to negotiate with the Ministry of the Interior the arrangements which provided for the naturalisation of Jewish soldiers who were not yet South African citizens (refugees from Hitlerism, etc.). He initiated the first permanent synagogue at Voortrekkerhoogte, from funds provided by the Board of Deputies and public subscription, and officiated at the regular Sabbath services which were held there. In addition to his pioneering role in establishing South Africa's first Jewish day school, he served the S.A. Jewish Orphanage as Honorary Teacher and as Minister and Reader on High Festivals; was also associated with various Jewish cultural projects in Johannesburg, including the Jewish Guild. Married Rebecca Davids, 1915; is survived by his widow and three sons and three daughters.

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