
Thursday 21 September 2023

Ipp, Judah Abraham

IPP, Judah Abraham. Director of Companies. Born Kovno, Lithuania, 14th August, 1901, son of Aron Nisson and Sifre Gitel Ipp. Came to South Africa, 1905. Educated at Normal College School, Cape Town. Past Acting Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Retail Section, P.E. Chamber of Commerce. Hon. Treasurer, 1952-58, 1964-65, Vice-President, 1959 and 1967. President, 1960-61, Council member, 1962, 1963, 1966 of Summerstrand Hebrew Congregation, Port Elizabeth; past Council member of United Hebrew Institutions of Port Elizabeth; Foundation member of Wedgwood Park Country Club; Platoon Commander, Police Reserve and served with National Volunteer Brigade in World War II. Married Rose Koseff, October, 1938. Recreation: Golf. Add.: 16, Seventh Avenue, Summerstrand, P.O. Box 166, Port Elizabeth.

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