
Friday 8 September 2023

Kantor, Lazar

KANTOR, Lazar. Director of Companies. Born Bialystok, Poland 10th February, 1907, son of Yitzchak and Esther Kantor. Educated at Hebrew Gymnasium and Textile School, Bialystok and Kovno. Came to South Africa 1925. Pioneer of local blanket industry. Commissioner of Oaths. Treasurer of U.C.F. in Cape Town and committee member of various societies. Past President and present committee member, Tifereth Yisrael Synagogue. Vice-chairman Woodstock Talmud Torah, Hon. President, King David Lodge and Lodge of Israel. During World War II, was appointed Technical Inspector of the Army Textile Committee, under the Director-General of War Supplies. Member, Keurboom Sports Club and Oranjezicht Sports Club. Recreations: horse riding, swimming, golf, bowls. Married 1924, wife's name Yetta; one son, one daughter. Add.: 14, St. John Road, Sea Point, P.O. Box 515, Cape Town.

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