
Tuesday 28 November 2023

Etkind, David Julius (Tommy)

ETKIND, David Julius (Tommy). Director of Companies, Born in Lithuania on 8th April, 1910, son of Solomon and Hinda Etkind. Came to South Africa 1926. Educated at Jewish Government School, Johannesburg and Witwatersrand Technical College. Director of Radiolek (Tvl.) (Pty) Ltd., Telex Hearing Centre (Pty.) Ltd., and other companies. Principal of the Senate, Hebrew Order of David; Past Grand President, Hebrew Order of David, 1952-54; President, Dr. Herzl Lodge, 1940-41. Chairman, S.A. Maccabi, 1933: Treasurer, Histadruth Ivrit 1944; Member of first Balfour Park Council, 1935; Chairman, Palestinian Soldiers' Comforts Fund, 1941-45; Founder and first Chairman, Magen David Adom, 1946; Committee member, S.A. Jewish War Appeal, 1941-42; Chairman, Gemillus Chesed Knesset Israel, 1947-48. Vice-Chairman, Joseph Miller Benevolent Association; Treasurer, Oxford-Rosebank Talmud Torah; Past Chairman, Oxford Synagogue Lomdei Torah; Past Committee member, Oxford Synagogue. Served in National Volunteer Brigade during World War II. Married Betty Weinberg 1949; one son, two daughters. Add.: 12 Restanwold Drive, Saxonwold, Business: 82, President Street, Johannesburg.

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