
Tuesday 21 November 2023

Fine, David Nathan

FINE, Rabbi David Nathan. Born Johannesburg, 30th June, 1940; son of Meyer and Miriam Ethel Fine. Educated at Athlone High School, Johannesburg and Telshe Yeshiva, Cleveland, U.S.A.  Rabbi of the Durban United Hebrew Congregation, Mohel and Lecturer at Carmel College, Durban. Previously was Lecturer at the Yeshiva College, Johannesburg, and Mohel and Rabbi of the Federation of Synagogues (Youth). Was part-time teacher at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, Ohio; part-time teacher at Yeshiva Beth Yehuda, Detroit, Michigan, and teacher at the Talmud Torah of the Adath Yeshurun Congregation, Johannesburg. Obtained Semicha at the Telshe Yeshiva, Cleveland; holds Hebrew Teacher's Certificate from the Pedagogical Institute, Rabbinical College of Telshe, Cleveland, U.S.A.; and received certification as a Mohel in Jerusalem. Hon. Member of the Durban Jewish Club, Brother Chaplain Hebrew Order of David Lodge Sinai, Durban. Recreations.: tennis, table tennis, football, cricket, swimming. Add.: 77 Galloway House, Musgrave Road, Durban, P.O. Box 44, Overport, Durban.  

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