
Friday 22 December 2023

Chaitman, Rubi

CHAITMAN, Rubi. Director of Companies, Born Kiev, Russia, 28th September, 1909, son of Barnet and Mary Chaitman. Came to South Africa 1922. Educated at Brebnor School, Bloemfontein. Chairman and Managing Director, Val-Hau et Cie (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town; Director, J. W. Hill & Co. (Pty.) Ltd., and, in addition holds Directorships in various other Companies. Past President, Cape Jewish Orphanage (Oranjia). Member, Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation; Member, Glen Country Club, King David Country Club, S.A. Turf Club, Milnerton Turf Club. Married to Anne Satz; three sons, one daughter. Recreations: Bowls and welfare activities. Add.: A2 Normanhurst, High Level Road, Sea Point, P.O. Box 1276, Cape Town.

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