
Thursday 25 January 2024

Barron, Shalom

BARRON, Rabbi Shalom. Born in London, England, 28th June, 1916, son of Moshe and Chaya Barron. Came to South Africa 1956. Educated at Liverpool Yeshiva, under Rabbi I. J. Unterman (who is now Chief Rabbi of Israel) and at Etz Chayim Yeshiva, London; also studied for several years at Manchester University as M.A. research scholar in Jewish Law, under the distinguished theological scholar H. H. Rowley. Held ministerial positions in North of England, Manchester, and South Ireland before coming to South Africa. Was Hon. Chaplain to the British Forces during World War II, and in Ireland held a university staff position in addition to his ministry. Served as Rabbi of Witbank Jewry before accepting call to become Rabbi of Boksburg Jewry, which post he has held since 1961. Contributor to Jewish and general press of essays on Jewish themes. Married Annie Goldberg; two sons, one daughter. Add.: 92, Voortrekker Street, Boksburg East.

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