
Friday 17 March 2023

Turok, Sol Yale

TUROK, Sol Yale. Director of Companies. Born Liepaja, Latvia, 10th March, 1924; son of Harry and Rachel Turok. Came to South Africa 1934. Educated at Cape Town Technical College. Director of Pointer Handbags and Panther Handbags. Served on Cape Town Junior Chamber of Commerce as local Commission Representative of Youth and Education for two years; Information Officer for 10th Green and Sea Point Boy Scouts. Member, Cape Town Jewish Reform Congregation and Cape Town Jewish Orphanage. Member of King David Country Club. Served with South African Forces during World War II in 2nd Armoured Cars. Married Noemi Polikoff, 1949; two sons. Recreations: Golf, tennis, swimming, physical training. Add.: Fontainebleau, 95 Kloof Road, Bantry Bay, Cape Town.


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