
Monday 11 September 2023

Kagan, Nina

KAGAN, Nina. Widow. Born Leningrad, Russia, 9th January, 1899. Educated in Leningrad where she qualified as a nursing sister. Came to South Africa 1925. Previously worked at Elite Printing Works, Cape Town. Committee Member, S.A. Ort-Oze (Cape). Was Chairman for 15 years of the New Hebrew Congregation Ladies' Guild. Member, Helping Hand Society, Great Synagogue Ladies' Guild, Bnoth Zion, Jewish Aged Home and Cape Jewish Orphanage. Founder Member of the Union of Jewish Women (Cape Town), Kosher Kitchen at Groote Schuur Hospital and Mizrachi Organisation. Married the late Grigori (Gresha) Kagan, 19th December, 1918. Add.: B5, Jessica Court, Hall Road, Sea Point, Cape.

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