
Monday 30 October 2023

Gering, Bernard

GERING, Bernard. Attorney. Died 1965. Born in Saidi, Russia, 1900, son of Samuel and Zelda Gering. Came to South Africa in 1913. After obtaining his School Leaving Certificate, he went to work in an office and studied at night school for Matriculation. Was one of the first students in South Africa to take Hebrew for Matric. Became articled to a firm of attorneys and took his law examinations as an external student of the University of the Witwatersrand. Together with his brother, Israel, he established the legal firm of Gering, Gering and Nell. Active in Zionist work from youth, he became the first Chairman of the S.A. Zionist Youth Council. As an Executive member of the S.A. Zionist Federation, he rose to successively higher positions; was Vice- Chairman of the Federation for many years, and Chairman from 1947-1951. Mobilized South African Jewry's aid in Israel's War of Liberation. Took an active part in the Israeli United Appeal until his death. Was Honorary President of the Magen David Adom in South Africa, and Honorary Vice-President of the S.A. Friends of the Hebrew University. Married the late Evelyn Behrmann, 1930; three sons.

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