
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Engers, Carel Arthur

ENGERS, Carel Arthur. Director of Companies. Born Cape Town 11th January, 1917, son of Max and Lena Engers. Educated at Sea Point Boys' Junior and High Schools. Director of Holland Cigar House (Pty.) Ltd. Served with 1st and 6th S.A. Divisions in East Africa, Egypt and Italy during World War II. Commander/Old Bill of Crusader Shellhole, Μ.Ο.Τ.Η. Vice-President Memorial Sports Club, Cape Town. Crusader Member, Green Point Cricket Club. Married Cecile Berman, daughter of Senator A. Z. Berman, 9th November, 1948; two sons, one daughter. Recreations: Bowls, cricket, tennis. Add.: P.O. Box 1257, Cape Town.

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