
Friday 24 November 2023

Feit, Leo

FEIT, Leo. Chemical Engineer. Born in Bukowsk, Austria, 1896. Came to South Africa 1927. Educated at Universities of Prague and Berlin. Founder and until his retirement in 1957 Chairman and Managing Director of L.F.C. Fabrics Ltd. Was since his arrival in South Africa active in communal and overseas Jewish affairs. Past National Chairman, S.A. Jewish War Appeal and responsible for the establishment of the partnership between this organisation and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency for Palestine in relief work during the post-war period in Europe and overseas in general. Past Vice-President of the Emergency Campaign for Israel on the founding of the State in 1948, which campaign he organised. Founder-member of the I.U.A. and past Hon. Treasurer. Past Executive member, S.A. Jewish Board of Deputies. Past Executive member, Federation of Synagogues. Past Chairman of the Executive of the Building Fund, New Witwatersrand Jewish Aged Home and Chronic Sick Hospital (of which he is an Hon. Life President). It was due to his zeal and efforts that the new institution was brought into being. As an Officer of the Army of Occupation of Lithuania heading the district of Ponevesh, 1916-17, he organised relief for the Jewish population in the occupied territory. Married the late Miriam Kellerman, 1920; one son, one daughter. Add.: 49, Daventry Court, Killarney, Johannesburg.

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