
Thursday 9 November 2023

Freund, Hans

FREUND, Hans. Ph.D., M.A., T.T.D. Teacher.  Born Berlin, Germany, 9th November, 1910, son of David and Lotte Freund. Came to South Africa 1936.  Educated at Lessing Gymnasium, Berlin, and Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen, University College, London, and Johannesburg Teachers' Training College. German Language Master at S.A. College High School, and part-time Lecturer at University of Cape Town. Was Chairman of the Cape Town Adult Education Council, 1949-53; President, Cape Town Branch of S.A. Teachers' Association, 1960-1961.  Chairman, Cape Town branch, S.A. Jewish Ex-Service League. 1951-52. Member of Cape Committee of South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 1953-63, and Chairman of the Cape Town Jewish Museum since 1965: and Wynberg Public Library Association (1964). During World War II joined S.A. Forces in 1940 as a private; was wounded in action and taken prisoner at Sidi Rezegh, 1941. Disguising himself, he escaped by lorry, taking 19 other prisoners back to the Allied lines. Promoted to Captain (Information Officer, Army Education Services). Married Ghita Pearson, 1939; one son, one daughter. Recreations:  Violin and singing (has conducted synagogue choirs in Johannesburg and Cape Town). Add.: "Dulton," Highstead Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town. 

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